One Shot

I have this song stuck in my head—  Ever heard of One Shot by Newsboys.

If you haven’t, you should definitely take a listen.  It’s a good song, definitely geared toward the present generation of people fixated on their Facebook or Twitter status, but that doesn’t matter.  What matters is getting the word out about things and using these social media sites to harvest new ideas, concepts or whatever.  I’m not going to lie or try to deceive you, yes, newsboys is a christian rock band and if you don’t believe or have other beliefs, thats not the point.  The point is social media sites are extremely good means of telling the world about anything and that’s the point of the song that I think people should pay attention too.

Of course, if you get something MORE from the song.  That’s okay too.  The song is layered with several messages of all forms.

You don’t believe me, just listen for yourself.