Insurgent Rises Up

The epic sequel of the Divergent Series by Veronica Roth, stars Shailene Woodley and Theo James and had fans flocking the theaters its debut weekend as it brought in over 52 million in revenue.

The film picks up right where Divergent leaves off.  Tris Pryer and Four are now factionless after an attempt by Erudite to overthrow Abnegation, destroys one fifth of the faction system.  Now its up to Tris and Four to restore peace in the land while Erudite leaders are searching desperately for ALL Divergent’s to destroy for their own benefit.

Insurgent is an action packed blockbuster that is filled with adventure as well as romance as the love between Tris and Four further blossoms in the mist of trying to stay alive and form an army.  It’s a movie that is highly recommended and fans of the book should not be disappointed.

Insurgent opened in theaters worldwide on March 20th and its opening is just slightly under the original Divergent film.