“Jackie” Review

It’s the story of beloved first lady Jackie Kennedy, who endures all in the wake of her husband’s assassination as she goes from first lady to widow in less just two years after JFK became president.

Natalie Portman beautifully portrays the third youngest first lady and we see first hand the struggle that she goes through from being with her husband when he was shot to telling her young children about the tragedy and finally to insisting on a walking procession even against everyone’s better judgement of her safety.

With a run time of just over an hour and thirty minutes, Jackie delves into the autobiographical tale of Jackie Kennedy through her eyes and Portman’s performance is well worth the opportunity of an Oscar.  We’ll see what happens on February 26 at the 89th Annual Academy Awards.

Until then, see Jackie in a theater near you, before it leaves the theaters or wait for it to come to DVD, March 7th.