“Love Again” REVIEW

It’s the worse thing that happens to a couple that is head over heels in love: that is accidental death. Now two years later, Mira uses texting as a form of grief concealing but those texts go to a stranger who instantly falls for the words on the screen. The question is will it be enough to form a lasting bond of love and what will happen when the two meet face to face?

Love Again stars Baywatch‘s Prayanka Chopra Jones and English actor Sam Heughan in what is sure to be one steamy romance as both must find love after tragedy strikes both parties. All in all the movie is truly a 21st century love story as the bulk of the story is done all through the power of the cellphone. It tackles a scary question that we all wonder, what happens when a phone number is recycled and given away to a complete stranger? Is it fate that these two meet or is it danger for all evolved?

The film also contains music from legendary singer/songwriter Celine Dion in her debut acting role and she as always never fails. She moves the story in a powerful way as Rob (Heughan) is assigned to cover and promote Ms. Dion for her latest cover song, Love Again. Honestly the message behind the song compels the movement of the movie and leaves us all wanting a happy ending.

The film came out May 5 and is still playing in a theater near you. Watch it to see if one can truly “love again”.