“Pet Sematary” Remake Review

“Sometimes dead Is Better.”

The Latest Thriller by best selling horror novelist Steven King is giving new meaning to the phrase “Pet Sematary”.  

Adapted from the original 1989 film which was directed by Mary Lambert, this new rendition is showing off all the Hollywood special effects in such a way that audiences are jumping even at the trailer.  

The film stars Jason Clarke and Amy Seimetz as parents of two young children relocate to an urban setting deep in the middle of a forest.  Once there, their daughter, Ellie (played by Jete Laurence) discovers a Pet Sematary in their backyard which adds new meaning to the term life after death through the guidance of a neighbor (John Lithgow).  Soon after, an unexpected tragedy sets off a chain reaction as Clark’s character wrestles with the idea of being able to let go versus holding on at all costs.

Overall, the film director’s did an exceptional job of capturing the magic and suspense of  King, in just about an hour forty minutes.  From the first scene with the family in the forest, there is a sense of terror in the unknown, which causes the audience to jump even when one knows something is about to happen.  There is a hint of realism as well, especially with being on the road when the commercial big rig, speeds down the road for no foreseen reason.

The cast chosen was spot on in their acting specifically the young girl who played Ellie.  The actress, Laurence definitely has a knack for facial expressions especially going from one of innocence and curiosity to that of demon possessed when she comes back to life.  One definitely can be fearful of ones own life from the moment she comes back.  Also there is a unique connection between her and the cat which follows a common thread to drive the idea behind life after death in a twisted bit of humor.

Additionally both Jason Clark and Amy Seimetz go through a dramatic change when tragedy strikes which ultimately showcases what happens when parents lose a child from both the mother’s and father’s point of view.  Both capture the heart wrenching emotion which is projected on the screen, allowing the audience to fully grasp the expression and terror all at once.  

Ultimately, Pet Sematary is one horror film for the books as it is definitely one of the most suspenseful Steven King novels to be brought to the big screen.  It’ll have one on the edge of their seats questioning everything especially when it comes to burying ones pet in a place just outside of the “Pet Sematary”.  

The film came out in theaters, April 5, 2019 and is currently playing in a theater near you.