Festival of Love in No Ho

On July 23, 2014, the residents came out to Valley Plaza Park for a day of cultural dancing at the Vardavar Festival.  For just five dollars, one could go into the area and sit in the shade while enjoying various groups dancing various styles from traditional Armenian to more contemporary forms.

There were also food trucks, jumpers for the children and of course the event ended with a water balloon fight meant to cleanse the soul.

All the proceedings collected went to the Armenian Genocide foundation.

The Importance of Water

A human body is made up of over 70 percent of it and thus is one of the most important elements for people.

Photo Infographic courtesy of http://questioShe adds, that water is important for “keeping yourself hydrated and cool”.
Twenty four year old Jovi Hinojosa of Sylmar, Calif. says though soda is refreshing, “on a hot day, it doesn’t give you the same energy that water does. It just makes you tired.”


Photo Infographic courtesy of



Accordingto wikihow.com, there are nine steps listed to help one drink more water and be in better health.

The following video explains this process.

Video created by Ervin Ruhe Jr

Courtesy of  www.wikihow.com

So what are you waiting for, put that can of soda down and let’s all drink water.

Picture taken by Julie Moree
Urging employees to drink more water while at work