“Argylle” REVIEW

Elly Conway is your quiet average writer, with an imagination for the espionage world. That is until her novels begin to come to life right before her eyes. The biggest question is can she go with it and let her adventure play out or will she be too afraid to face the truth.

Directed by The Kingsmen‘s Matthew Vaughn, Argylle follows a very similar British spy type vibe, bring both fans of the genre and newbies to see just what he is cooking up. One will definitely say Vaughn’s newest film will certainly not disappoint. Packed with everything from adventure, mystery and even a bit of British romance, Argylle will have you on the edge of your seats wondering just what will happen next. There are surprises around every corner which will further keep you glued.

Argylle stars a stellar cast including Jurassic World‘s Bryce Dallas Howard in what is by far her best role yet. She definitely makes such a character jump as she uncovers the secrets including the biggest on yet. That is who is the “real” Agent Argylle aka R. Kylle? Without giving any spoilers its definitely a revelation that one has to see to believe.

Additionally the film stars actors including John Cena, Henry Cavill, Sam Rockwell and Samuel L. Jackson, all of who use their own unique acting to bring Argylle to life. Ultimately the creators did an exceptional job of mirroring the book with the real life characters.

At 2 hour 16 minute runtime, Argylle will take you on an adventure into the mind of a writer as you never truly know where the story is going to take you. The film came out in theaters February 1 and is currently playing in one near you.