“Big George Foreman” REVIEW

It’s the story of a once heavy weight champion who finds faith as he becomes a preacher and in an attempt to save his youth center, uses that faith to reclaim the heavy weight title once more.

Big George Foreman stars Khris Davis who does an exceptional job of portraying the boxer of the 90’s who became a household legend as the oldest boxing champion. Davis takes the emotion of Foreman and paints an awesome biopic that will have you cheering him on one last time in the ring.

Additionally, the film would be complete without Black Panther‘s Forest Whitaker, the coach who had a unique way of driving Foreman to the max, even when he didn’t want to use anger as motivation. Clearly Whitaker has that true parental mindset as he never forced Foreman until he was good and ready for the comeback.

Finally, the film stars John Migaro as Foreman’s booker/friend as well as Jasmine Mathews as Foreman’s 2nd wife and love which had their own unique ways of adding drama and attention to the story.

Of course as a biography, it wouldn’t be complete without shots of the “real” George Foreman. It’s done in just the right way that keeps audiences captivated from start to finish.

All in All, Big George Foreman does a great job of capturing both things we never knew as well as thing one growing up in the 90’s might remember. While it wasn’t the main part of the story, the story does touch on the well known grill that writers use as a bit of comedy throughout.

The film came out in theaters April 28, 2023 and is currently playing in one near you.