“Easter Sunday” REVIEW

Comedian Jo Koy is bringing his comedy to the big screen in Easter Sunday. The film follows the story of Joe Valencia, a struggling actor in Hollywood who under pressure of his Filipeno mother, takes on day to spend in San Francisco to celebrate Easter Sunday. The problem intensifies when he and is estranged son arrive to find out his mom and aunt are feuding again and only Joe can fix it.

The film stars Koy as Joe Valencia along with Tiffany Haddish as the hilarious ex girlfriend cop who has audiences laughing at the first scene on. Aside from Haddish and Koy, the cast consists on relative unknowns, but that’s not to say they don’t do it justice. Honestly every actor in the cast does a great job of adding to the story and humor in their own unique way.

Film both at Universal studios and in Vancouver, there are clear moments where Universal fans will definitely recognize key places throughout the lot. The setting outside of the lot is also quite as captivating to watch as the story unfolds on the big screen.

All and all, it’s a movie that for sure deserves a look even just into the life and experiences of Jo Koy. At an hour and thirty six minutes, Easter Sunday will bring laughter to your hearts as you see a truly dysfunctional family trying to put all of that aside and just celebrate the importance of being a family. The film came out in theaters August 5 and is currently playing in one next you.