“Messiah” Opens Eyes

The latest christian film about the life of Jesus at the age of seven is drawing a small number of viewers to theaters its opening weekend as it brought in roughly 3.4 million in revenues at the box office.

Based on the novel, Christ The Lord: Out of Egypt by acclaimed author, Anne Rice, The Young Messiah stars newcomer Adam Greaves-Neal in his first feature length film playing 7-year-old Jesus who is just releasing his powers as Mary and Joseph are told in a dream to move from Egypt back to Nazareth.

Overall, the movie is entertaining as the story makes you think about Jesus as a child however because there is no proof, some theologians might be skeptical as to the validity of how they are portraying the character of Jesus.  That being said, people are encouraged to see it and make their own decisions.

The Young Messiah also stars, Sara Lazzaro as Mary,  Vincent Walsh as Joseph, David Bradley as the Old Rabbi, Rory Keenan as the demon and Sean Bean as Severus.

At an hour 51 minutes, it’s a film that makes you sit on the edge of your seat waiting for the next miracle while envision the life of Jesus as a child.

See it now in a theater near you.