“Nightmare Alley” REVIEW

“I got a little job for you. It’s just temporary.”

Unfortunately it’s that job that gets a carney hypnotist into a little bit of trouble. Stanton Carlyle lets greed take hold of him when Dr. Lilith Ritter uses her charm to convince him to team up with her and mob boss, Clem Hoatley. Now it’s a wild three ring circus on Nightmare Alley that can only end one way.

At 2 and a half hour, Nightmare Alley will have audiences glued to the screen wondering what will happen next. The acting definitely helps in the believability as the hit movie stars a stellar cast including Bradley Cooper as Carlyle, Cate Blanchett as Dr. Ritter and Willem Defoe as Clem Hoatley. Packed with mystery, suspense and action, the film definitely deserves a fair trial as Guillermo Del Toro held nothing back in his directing ability. It’ll be very interesting to see just how this film fares in the upcoming awards ceremony.

Nightmare Alley came out in theaters December 17 as it gave Spiderman a slight run for its money opening the same weekend. It’s a film that is Rated R for its obvious content, but none the less is well done in all aspects and will have audiences raveling over what happens after every scene.

Make sure to see it in a theater near you. It is well worth the time and money.